Welcome To Live Free Church

10am at The Grand 10 Cinemas

Sunday's 10am

At the Grand 10 Cinemas (949 McCurdy)

Life's Complicated. We Want To Help.

Our mission is simple, to bring those who are far from Jesus close to Him.

Join a community group

Looking for a group of people to do live with? Our community groups last 10 weeks and are centred around the weekly sermon.

Soccer Camp

July 2nd-5th // Grades: K-5 // Location: Rutland Rec Fields (435 Hartman Rd)

Join us for one of the best weeks of the summer.


Womens Event

June 26th // 6-8pm // 721 Bell Rd

Come together with other women for an incredible night of food, fellowship, and friendship.

Free People Are Generous

“We give because God gave first. “

Check out the weekly newsletter

It’s our weekly email, with all the info from Live Free Church.