Week 1
Free People Are: All About Jesus.
What do you value? What is your life built on? What is the thing that if you lost, you would struggle to wake up in the morning?
Your life has a foundational, and in a moment, in a diagnosis, it can be ripped away if it’s built on the wrong thing. That is why Jesus is so captivating.
Free people know that their life isn’t based on what you can achieve, but what you receive through Christ. I want to look at how free people are all about Jesus, and the best place to start is two bookends of the gospel of Luke.
Week 2
Free People Are: Unburdened
What does it look like to live an unburdened life. How do you and I live free, how do we live unburdened?
What is your life burdened by? What is it defined by? Apostle Paul in Acts 17:16-21, an eyewitness to Jesus, saw people’s burdened life, how he felt by it, and how it reacted to it.
Week 3
Free People Are: Generous
Jesus spent roughly 15% of his time talking to those around him about the concerns revolving around money. Jesus must have found money to be an important topic to speak to. I bet money is probably more important and contentious in your life than you even recognize. Today I want to look at how free people are generous people.
That God loved us so infinitely, that we can be generous with what God has given us.
Week 4
Free People Are: Forgiven
We believe that freedom is found in forgiveness. We also believe that God has made that available to us. We are going to be exploring who God is, the ways in which we can be deceived, and how forgiveness is ultimately available and found in Jesus. Forgiveness affects our relationships with one another and with God. Join us as we work through what it means that Free People are Forgiven.
Week 5
Free People Are: Not Afraid
e believe that free people don’t have to be afraid. When storms come into our lives, Jesus calls us to put our faith and trust in him. Join us as we explore what it means to choose faith over fear.
Week 6
Free People Are: Available
We believe that free people are available. When we’re available to follow Jesus and his leading, He will bring us into a reality we can’t comprehend.
When we follow Jesus and not our own aspirations we make space to trust Jesus’ leading and space for the interruptions in our lives.