Killing Loneliness

Week 1

Created from community for community. 

C.S. Lewis states in his book, The Four Loves, “The obvious reason why we don’t value friendships is because very few people experience it.” This sermon looks at why we feel so alone when we don’t have authentic friendships, and how to find the relationships we truly need. 


Week 2

Why you need a true friend. 

Ultimately the friendship you really need and the only way to really satisfy this deep need for friendship that comes from before the foundation of the world, before the foundation of time, is friendship with Jesus. Jesus in this passage says, “I’ve made you friends.”


Week 3

A community on mission. 

We desire to be a movement in Kelowna, not a monument. A group of people who are centered around Jesus, who love to be together, who remember Christ’s death and resurrection, who are so remarkably generous, and who are apart of a movement seeing people come to know Christ.